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Teaching Practice college of education

Teaching Practice | Review

Teaching practice is a mandatory course for all College of Education Students in Nigeria. It is similar to 6 months IT done by University students. Because both require applying what students had learned in classes and creating practical or on-field training. Therefore the College of Education students will undergo their on-field training at a secondary school.

Generally, teaching practice is mandatory for all College of Education students. Students that has 5-6 credit unit to be entitled to graduation.


  • To improve student teachers’ positive attitude towards the teaching profession.
  • To improve student teachers’ real-life classroom experiences under the supervision of a professional teacher.
  • Is an avenue for the student-teacher to apply educational theories and principles into practice.
  • For student teachers to familiarize themselves with the school environment.
  • To improve student teachers’ necessary skills, competence, and experiences for a full time teaching after graduation.
  • is to assess the professional competence of student teachers.
  • To create an avenue for student teachers to know their strong and weak points in teaching and improve on them.


The duration of teaching practice is generally 6-7 months. However, depending on the school academic calendar it may run from September to April.

In addition, only the College of Education students who pass Micro-teaching theory (EDU 213-course code may vary). Therefore the student will undergo Micro-Teaching Practicum, in other words, qualify to go on on-field training.


Teaching practice will be done in the subject(s) relating to the student course of study. Above all, a register for marking attendance is usually kept by the school administrative officer. Generally, the school principal or headmaster. Students doing teaching practice will sign “time in”. And after that sign “time out” on each working day on the register that is with the administrator of the school.

The students’ College of Education will send a supervisor to check the attendance of the respective student on the register. In other words, supervisor will take a roll call of the students in that particular school.

After that, the College of Education will send delegates appointed by the School Committee to carry out spot checks during the students’ course of teaching practice. I advise students to avoid any activities that go against the rules and regulations of their respective schools and the laws of Nigeria.


In conclusion, students who fail to meet the certain requirement set by their respective College of Education will have to redo the teaching practice program. Generally, the requirement is:

  • The student must score above 40%
  • If the student refuses to go to the school where he/she is undergoing the teaching practice during working without formal notification and approval from the school administrator.
  • If a student disobeys professional guidelines.
  • A student that was not present in teaching practice for a good reason and which the school administrator was notified and approved. Therefore, He/she will have to redo the exact number of days that he/she was absent.

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